Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday Night Workout !!!!

One of the BuffMothers issued a 100 Rep. Challenge. So last night was Shoulders, Tris and Calves. I chose to take the 100 Rep Challenge on the calf presses. But instead of my normal 140 lbs. I went to a new weight of 355 lbs. and did 100 reps. I feel good this morning too. My shoulders are still feeling the burn from the presses and upright rows but I am moving without assistance. LOL.

The rest of the workout:

Shoulder Press: 45 x 8 x 1; New Weight 55 x 8 x 1

Upright Rows: 45 x 10 x 1; 55 x 10 x 1

Tri Push Downs: 60 x 8 x 1; 70 x 8 x 1; New Weight 80 x 8 x 1

DB Kickbacks: 15 x 10 x 2

Hubby took the ladies' challenge and did 100 calf presses at around 495 lbs. The boys who invaded my "OUR" time at the gym were also made to do 100 calf presses. The 21 yr old pushed my weight of 355 lbs. and the 18 yr old pushed 315 lbs. My Rule for the boys: If Mama has to do 100 YOU have to do 100; if you want shakes and food when we get home! *evil grin*

I think it is highly unlikely that they will invade our time at the gym tonight because it is a 'Heavy' leg night. HAHAHAHA I will out squat and out press them and place them both in agony if they try to go with me tonight.

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