Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am a bad blogger...way behind in posting

It can get frustrating when you reach a goal and in the blink of eye, it is gone again. My weight is holding at 91.4 lbs. However, I am not giving up, I am hitting them gym everyday, lifting as hard as I can, eating everything I can force down and taking my supplements. So...someone ship me about 30 lbs and I will be most happy.

As I do not think shipping me weight will help, I am sticking to my plan and staying focused. I am planning on contacting gyms and fitness centers in the are where we are moving...I do not want to miss more than 2 weeks off. 1 week to travel and 1 week to unpack, secure my animals and get the house and kitchen setup and ready to rock.

More soon...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ah is what it is

So much for keeping weight on. I just went through a physical for my life insurance and I weighed in at a whopping 91.2 pounds. Lovely! Needless to say I got read the riot act from the nurse who began telling me how underweight I was and blah blah blah. Like I want the metabolism from hell? I have spent the bulk of my life trying to gain weight and eating like a small moose...what else can I do? I gain it, it comes right off. I wonder if I will ever beat this whatever it is or if my metabolism will ever slow down. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life is going on

Life has been going along. The weather has been playing games with ability to garden. Everytime I think it is safe to transplant freezes. Time for the weather to get a grip and maintain some warmer temps. I have bean pods starting on my beans still in the house!

Cheyenne is doing well in school and really enjoying middle school. That is a miracle because she has always disliked school immensely but she is making A's and B's and not wanting to miss a day of school. Even when she has been sick, she has wanted to go.

So, life goes on and I continue to battle my weight. Currently weighing in at 92.4 lbs. *sigh* I will not give up, I will gain weight.

More later...

Monday, January 26, 2009

A New Puppy!

Well after much searching for the right puppy/dog, we found quite by fate. He was at another home with his brother when the owners decided they could not handle two of them, so he was returned to the original home with his mom. A small ad was placed on a bulletin board in the feed store I visit weekly just 5 minutes before I walked in for my weekly visit.

So, I called the number from there and the woman was just up the road how fortunate for me. so, hubby and I drove right over and went to see him. He was in an outdoor kennel and absolutely gorgeous. Huge, black with white markings and very friendly and well mannered.

It was love and we told her we would be back to pick him up at 5:00 pm. Hubby and I came home and I began puppy proofing the house. Even though he is a 42 lbs puppy, he was still only 13 weeks old so very much a puppy in his attitude.

His name is Casca and he is 1/2 Great Pyrenees (his mom) and 1/2 Black Labrador (his dad). he was whelped on October 15, 2008. His first order of business was a bath. Since that time, he has constantly stood at the side of the bath tub when I am taking a hot soak. he hangs his paws over the side of the tub and intently watches the bubbles. LOL.

So...introducing Casca in his first photo montage'

Friday, January 09, 2009 day is coming

I am in Johnny Depp overload. I watched all three Pirates of the Caribbean back to back throughout the day. I was pulling through tons of medical records from the Army and the VA, so I just spread out on the floor in front of the TV and started working away while taking sneak peeks constantly at "Jack Sparrow".
Tomorrow, vet visit for the cat. Time for blood work check for his diabetes. Poor baby gets a insulin shot every morning. What a way to start your day...being grabbed out of a sound sleep, jabbed with a needle and told what a good boy your are. LOL Poor boy.

Saturday is PJ and Movie day for Cheyenne and I. We will hang out in our PJs all day and watch movies. This Saturday the schedule will be LOTR trilogy, the extended versions. *big smile* So, Sunday I should be in elf overload. hahahahahaha I also have a couple other movies about the trilogy and the making of golum so we are going to watch them also.
So, that is the weekend plan. We may have an extra girl in PJs here for movie day...we will know tomorrow after talking with her mom. So, I may have 2 teenish girls in the house...I may also be on the search for Valium. They are both very high energy girls. LOL
More on life in wet Southern Oregon later....

Friday, January 02, 2009

A New Year and change is coming...

The New Year is here and with it comes the planning and wow is there stuff to do this year. Spring is around the corner so of course gardening is on my mind. I am planning out my raised beds for veggies, herb beds, flower beds and trying to organize what will be planted where. I even have tiny tomatoes (pea sized) to plant around the girls' run so they can pick at them.

There is work to be done on the coop too. I have a leak in the roof which has been a nuisance with all the snow and rain. The poor girls have handled it well though. They are still happily providing me with eggs daily. I also have to get the run covered for spring because of all the hawks that are about.

There is also work to be done still unpacking boxes from the move, making new spaces and organizing a crafting space for myself. I will probably re-arrange the kitchen again as I still do not have it the way I would like it. It is trial an error as I try to cook in the new kitchen.

Then there is the entire weight issue...ah alas I am still under 100 lbs so gaining weight is a priority for me. As is, getting the final surgery to stop all this pain and nonsense. It gets tiring being in pain every day, not to mention to affect it has on hubby. *sigh* Hopefully it will all be over and a thing of the past soon.

I have ventured back into the RR with the other wonderful women...they were all missed so much. It is amazing how that this place of cyber privacy can be such a valuable tool and outlet for me.

Well, today it is baking quiche and getting everything ready to make sweet and sour meatballs for the party tomorrow. Sunday brings the meal planning and shopping list. Yay!

So...onward and more later.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wow update time...

I am re-focuing on getting back in shape after the holidays...YAY. No more listening to doctors say "do not do not do that" blah blah.

I have been beading again and happy to do it. I even opened an Etsy Shop...see my stuff here

More to come as I bead away.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Getting ready for the move....

Well we are one week form moving into our new house...yay! However, I HATE MOVING! We are all excited to be finally having our own house and 4 acres to play on. The girls will be happy to get their new chicken house built and have more space.

The big girls are now 18 weeks old and 2 - 4 weeks from beginning to provide wonderful eggs. They will have a covered run area so they can stay out of my garden beds once they get built and get going. I will let them roam through scratching and fertilizing in their chicken tractor. I am anticipating fabulous veggies next year!

Well more on this move later...back to packing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Long overdue update

I have been so hrrible with my blogging of late that I felt I should get back to it. So much has been going on this summer and so much is still to come.

Cheyenne has been going to tutoring (math) twice per week, husband is back in NC helping a friend move and it is hot as all get out here.

We currently have 11 chickens (6 of them are 16 weeks old and 5 of them are 5 weeks old). we have 21 coming in a few weeks. We are moving the first of August to our new place. YAY!

I have lost major fat and even mucle. we have not been to the gym in months. Partly due to gas prices and the gym being 30 miles away and also because of has gotten in the way.

I will update with pics of the new place once we make the move. We are really looking forward to this move and settling down on our little 4 acres.

More later...