Friday, January 09, 2009 day is coming

I am in Johnny Depp overload. I watched all three Pirates of the Caribbean back to back throughout the day. I was pulling through tons of medical records from the Army and the VA, so I just spread out on the floor in front of the TV and started working away while taking sneak peeks constantly at "Jack Sparrow".
Tomorrow, vet visit for the cat. Time for blood work check for his diabetes. Poor baby gets a insulin shot every morning. What a way to start your day...being grabbed out of a sound sleep, jabbed with a needle and told what a good boy your are. LOL Poor boy.

Saturday is PJ and Movie day for Cheyenne and I. We will hang out in our PJs all day and watch movies. This Saturday the schedule will be LOTR trilogy, the extended versions. *big smile* So, Sunday I should be in elf overload. hahahahahaha I also have a couple other movies about the trilogy and the making of golum so we are going to watch them also.
So, that is the weekend plan. We may have an extra girl in PJs here for movie day...we will know tomorrow after talking with her mom. So, I may have 2 teenish girls in the house...I may also be on the search for Valium. They are both very high energy girls. LOL
More on life in wet Southern Oregon later....

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