Saturday, February 11, 2006


Workouts have been going great. I am increasing my weights and hitting it hard. I am so tickled because in the last month I have increased 3 lbs of lean mass. The nice thing too is that I can see changes in the mirror and that is always exciting, it gives you a sense of relief that all the hard work is paying off...even when the numbers say you are doing it good, it is still nice to be able to see it and feel it.

Today's workout was 4 sets of chest presses, 3 sets on the pec dec, 3 sets of back rows, 2 sets of lunges and some warm-up cardio. A medium day with two days off coming up and a heavy leg workout monday night. Yes, I am pumped and ready to get there and get er done as they say.

It is strange not having the little princess around the house. She left last night to spend 2 weeks with her grandparents and also take a trip to puerto rico with them...she will have fun. She needed the break from us and some good ole grandparent spoil time and we needed a break also. We need some "us" time so it is great. But I will be glad when she is back terrorizing the household.

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