Saturday, February 18, 2006

Friday and Saturday in the Gym

Friday night in the gym was a really good workout for the chest and upper back. I am very happy with the changes I see in my back, traps, shoulders and upper chest. Now to get the arms to get it in gear. The workout went like this:

Chest Press:

25 x 10 x 1 Warm-up set; 50 x 8 x 1; 60 x 8 x 1; 70 x 8 x 1


40 x 8 x 2 Right Shoulder is still giving me grief so I did not try for more weight or sets and skipped flys altogether.

Back Row:

85 x 8 x 2; Wide Grip 70 x 8 x 2


50 x 12 x 2

Saturday Workout for Shoulders, Abs, Wrists/Forearms and Calves:

Shoulder Press:

40 x 8 x 1; 45 x 8 x 2

Lateral DB Raises:

30 x 8 x 1; 35 x 8 x 2

Wrist Curls DB:

10 x 20 x 2; 10 x 10 x 1 (reverse curls)

Ab Crunches: new weight

60 x 25 x 2; 60 x 15 x 1

Calf Presses: New Weight

140 x 40 x 1; 140 x 25 x 2 ( I do the sets of 25 with toes inverted and at 45 degrees)

I am going to try a new joint supplement in addition to my Glucosamine just as soon as I decide on which one. I am not going to let this shoulder stop me...I will reach my goals.

Meanwhile, I am up to 126 lbs. and have showed a steady rise in lean mass and a steady decline in fat percentage...that makes me happy. Husband's Arginine pyroglutamate is working wonders....between Feb 8 and February 17, I have added 3 lbs of lean mass and only 1 lb of fat. So, I am pleased with that completely. Some days I do not mind being his guinea pig so much. :)

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