Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Testing is done...

The testing is done and I am ready to get busy writing the new workout schedule for the next 4 - 5 weeks. Here are the test results....and I must say that I am thrilled with the gains overall. I still have a couple problem areas but I will work on them this next workout cycle. YAY

Start Date: 2/8/06 End/Test Date: 2/28/06

Beginning Weight: 122 Current Weight: 128 (no gain since 2/23)

Beginning Lean Mass: 90.20 lbs Current: 94.87 lbs Gain 4.67 lbs

Beginning BF: 31.80 lbs Current: 33.13 lbs Gain 1.33 lbs.

Beginning BF%: 26.06 Current: 25.88 Decrease of 0.18

The rest of the story on the strength gains and new weights...

Chest (Press):
Beginning 1 rep max 55lbs. Current 100lbs. Gain of 81%

Upper Back (Row):
Beginning 1 rep max 105lbs. Current 123lbs. Gain of 17%

Biceps (Curls):
Beginning 1 Rep Max 33lbs Current 50lbs Gain of 51%

Triceps (Extensions):
Beginning 1 rep Max 50lbs Current 50lbs Gain of 0%

Shoulders (Press):
Beginning 1 rep max 41 lbs Current 63lbs Gain of 53%

Leg (Press):
Beginning 1 rep max 180 lbs Current 226 lbs. Gain of 25%

Sumo Squats:
Beginning 1 rep max 0 lbs Current 168lbs Gain :) nothing BUT Gain


Multi-Vitamin + additional b6 & b12

Fish Oil 2400mg daily

Glucosamine 1250mg/Chondroitin 1000mg Liquid daily

NOS 1x daily

Creatine Punch 10g daily (did a 5 day 20g stack 1 every 5 weeks)

Arginine Pyroglutamate (1500mg LArginine pyroglutamate & 750mg L-Lysine daily)

Of course my protein shakes...at least 2 daily (pre-workout with 1.5g of Glutamine Powder)

I am thrilled with the overall changes I am seeing and even more so with the way I feel. I am eating clean, working hard and loving it. YAY

Friday, February 24, 2006

Good Friday Morning!

Well it is Friday and I am getting ready to go to the gym in a couple of hours so, I am taking my Arginine pyroglutamate and then my creatine and off I go for a full body hit today. Medium on some things and light on some but everything will get it. YAY!

I woke really early and was surprised to find an email from Kat Meyers in my box. Gawd she is so awesome! Very much as I thought she would be...down to earth, pleasant and well just awesome. That made my Day....my week for that matter. So I shall report on the workout later today. I am at the 5 week mark and so I will go through my testing to see where I am at tomorrow and then revamp the workout program for the next five weeks. So far I am tickled with my progress and the gains. I am up to 128 lbs from 112 and thrilled. WHOOP. Today is going to be great....I can just feel it.

The princess comes home after her two weeks with grandma and grandpa...and a trip to Puerto Rico to visit her great grandmother. While we are looking forward to her return we have missed her so much, we also must tell her that one of her pets passed away so that is going to be hard for her. But with the Creator's help we will help her get through it.

Have a great day everyone......Later!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tuesday Night at Gold's

Tuesday in the gym was a good workout, but not as good as I was hoping for. I have struggled with the right shoulder for a couple of weeks so it has kept me from lifting better on my shoulder presses. While the shoulder is getting better and the glucosamine is definitely helping it, it still needs something else. Michelle Berger, the BuffMother herself, recommended Lubriflex or Move Free as a supplement to help. So I have been checking into both of them and I think I will add the Move Free to my supplements to help that shoulder a bit more. The product has Glucosamine in it as well as joint fluid. I believe this might be the key to stopping this sandy grinding feeling in the shoulder. I wish I knew why the shoulder was an issue as I have never injured it in anyway nor had any problems with it. But maybe it is just age...whatever it is, I will find a way to fix it!
The workout was for the shoulders and mid-section. Husband and I had a medium workout planned (2-3 sets of each exercise). Amazingly I was able to push the shoulder a bit more and add a higher weight...I am feeling it this morning. Here is the workout for Tuesday night:
Shoulder Press: 45 x 8 x 1; new weight 50 x 8 x 1; 50 x 6 x 1
Lateral Raises: 35 x 8 x 1; 30 x 10 x 2
Abdominal Crunches: New weight 70 x 15 x 1; 60 x 15 x 1
Roman Knee Ups: No Weight 3 sets of 15
I also did a 10 minute warm up on the treadmill at 3.5 mph.
Tonight's workout is scheduled to be a light Bis and Tris night/medium calves and wrists/forearms night. I will know very quickly how bad the shoulder hated that extra five pounds when I work the bis and tris tonight. Either way, I am giving it my all.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Monday Night Workout

Our workout this evening was great...I went up in weight and still remain totally psyched about what we are doing and the changes taking place. Life is good! Here is the workout:

10 mins of warm-up cardo on treadmill at 3.5 mph on a 3 incline....

Sumo Squats:
Warm up set: 65 x 10 x 1; 105 x 8 x 1; and I passed my body weight finally with a new weight of 135 x 8 x 1! YAY

Leg Presses:
New Weight 140 x 12 x 1; New weight 170 x 12 x 1

Leg Extensions: 45 x 12 x 1; New Weight 50 x 12 x 1

Leg Curls: 45 x 12 x 1; New Weight 50 x 12 x 1

Back Extensions: No weight 3 sets of 15 reps

Chest Press: 60 x 12 x 1; 70 x 12 x 1; New Weight 80 x 12 x 1

Pec Dec: light set 30 x 20 x 3

Back Row: 85 x 8 x 3; wide grip - 70 x 8 x 3

Pull Downs: 50 x 12 x 1; 50 x 20 x 1

Tomorrow is Shoulder, Mid-Section, Calves and Forearms. GAWD I LOVE MY SUMO SQUATS!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Friday and Saturday in the Gym

Friday night in the gym was a really good workout for the chest and upper back. I am very happy with the changes I see in my back, traps, shoulders and upper chest. Now to get the arms to get it in gear. The workout went like this:

Chest Press:

25 x 10 x 1 Warm-up set; 50 x 8 x 1; 60 x 8 x 1; 70 x 8 x 1


40 x 8 x 2 Right Shoulder is still giving me grief so I did not try for more weight or sets and skipped flys altogether.

Back Row:

85 x 8 x 2; Wide Grip 70 x 8 x 2


50 x 12 x 2

Saturday Workout for Shoulders, Abs, Wrists/Forearms and Calves:

Shoulder Press:

40 x 8 x 1; 45 x 8 x 2

Lateral DB Raises:

30 x 8 x 1; 35 x 8 x 2

Wrist Curls DB:

10 x 20 x 2; 10 x 10 x 1 (reverse curls)

Ab Crunches: new weight

60 x 25 x 2; 60 x 15 x 1

Calf Presses: New Weight

140 x 40 x 1; 140 x 25 x 2 ( I do the sets of 25 with toes inverted and at 45 degrees)

I am going to try a new joint supplement in addition to my Glucosamine just as soon as I decide on which one. I am not going to let this shoulder stop me...I will reach my goals.

Meanwhile, I am up to 126 lbs. and have showed a steady rise in lean mass and a steady decline in fat percentage...that makes me happy. Husband's Arginine pyroglutamate is working wonders....between Feb 8 and February 17, I have added 3 lbs of lean mass and only 1 lb of fat. So, I am pleased with that completely. Some days I do not mind being his guinea pig so much. :)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Thursday Night Arms and Calves

Last night in the gym was good but frustrating! I gave husband some grief because I was frustrated with my bicep and tricep weight. I just cannot seem to get them strengthening the way I want and it ticks me off! But I will not give up and I will win this battle. So the workout went like this:

Bicep Curls: lbs x reps x sets

30 x 6 x 1; 35 x 6 x 2 (new weight); 25 x 10 x 2

Tricep Extensions:

30 x 8 x 1; 35 x 8 x 2 (new weight); 30 x 10 x 1; 25 x 10 x 1

Calf Presses:

130 x 40 x 1; 130 x 25 x 1 (toes inverted)

So tonight is chest and upper back which I am looking forward to. I have been making great gains in those areas and upping my weight. Most importantly, I am feeling good and seeing changes in those areas. I should be less testy with hubby tonight. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tuesday Night Workout

Well tonight's workout was great...another record night for me with new weights. I have also gained 3 lbs of lean mass since I began husband's regime using Arginine Pyroglutamate in conjunction with my glutamine and creatine. So here is tonight's workout...

Shoulder Press: NEW WEIGHT 45 x 8 x 3

Lateral Raises: 30 x 10 x 1; NEW WEIGHT 35 x 8 x 1; 30 x 6 x 1

Chest Press: 45 x 8 x 1; 50 x 8 x 1; NEW WEIGHT 60 x 8 x 1;

NEW WEIGHT 70 x 8 x 1

Back Row: 85 x 8 x 2; Wide Grip 70 x 8 x 2

Ab Crunches: NEW WEIGHT 40 x 50 x 1; 40 x 15 x 1

Great date for Valentine's Day....spent it alone with hubby at the gym..

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Monday's Workout

Last night in the gym was a good workout...I went up in the weight I was lifting on nearly all the exercises I did and I feel great today. The workout last night went like this...

Sumo Squats: NEW WEIGHT 95 x 8 x 2; 105 x 8 x 1
Leg Presses: 130 x 8 x 3
Leg Extensions: NEW WEIGHT 45 x 8 x 2
Leg Curls: 40 x 8 x 1 NEW WEIGHT: 45 x 8 x 1; 50 x 8 x 1
Tricep Extensions: 25 x 8 x 1 NEW WEIGHT 30 x 8 x 2
Bicept Curls: 25 x 8 x 1; NEW WEIGHT 30 x 8 x 2
Wrist Curls (DB): 10 X 20 x 2 (the carpal tunnel is screaming!)
Russian Twists: 12 x 20 x 2
Calf Presses: NEW WEIGHT 130 x 40 x 1; 130 x 25 x 2 (my sets of 25 are done with toes inverted one set and toes at 45 degrees for 1 set)
Treadmill 10 min warmup

My eats are good and I am drinking tons of water. I am still consistently taking my supplements and all this will pay off at the end of this bulking stage. I can't wait because I am loving the changes already.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Workouts have been going great. I am increasing my weights and hitting it hard. I am so tickled because in the last month I have increased 3 lbs of lean mass. The nice thing too is that I can see changes in the mirror and that is always exciting, it gives you a sense of relief that all the hard work is paying off...even when the numbers say you are doing it good, it is still nice to be able to see it and feel it.

Today's workout was 4 sets of chest presses, 3 sets on the pec dec, 3 sets of back rows, 2 sets of lunges and some warm-up cardio. A medium day with two days off coming up and a heavy leg workout monday night. Yes, I am pumped and ready to get there and get er done as they say.

It is strange not having the little princess around the house. She left last night to spend 2 weeks with her grandparents and also take a trip to puerto rico with them...she will have fun. She needed the break from us and some good ole grandparent spoil time and we needed a break also. We need some "us" time so it is great. But I will be glad when she is back terrorizing the household.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thursday Night

Thursday night went well...I did shoulder presses and added a new weight, lateral bumbell raises, calf presses, roman chair knee-ups, reverse crunches and russian twists. I did a heavy set night and am looking forward to some well earned sleep now. I feel good and felt the burn...so it was a good night.

So far so good with the supplements and I have managed to bulk up to 126 pounds so I am thrilled with that. Now just to keep adding so I can reach me target weight and start buffing and cutting and see what I got to work with.

My husband has been acting very sneaky lately, and with Valentine's Day right around the corner I have a feeling he is up to something and trying to hide something from me...time will tell. But it is fun watching him enjoy himself. Beat the heck out of spending it alone with him in a desert somewhere. So I will wait to see what surprise he has cooked up.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tuesday Night Workout

Tuesday night's workout was a killer for me. Having hit my shoulders on Monday night, I was not looking forward to hitting the chest and upper back this evening. But I felt good and ate good during the day so off we went.

Husband has started me on a new supplement that I take 1 - 2 hours before my workout on an empty stomach and I began taking it today so now he will monitor my progress from this point on and see what happens. His theory is that by taking this supplement as he is telling me, my body's natural hGH sleep time production can increase by as much as 700%. So, I will give it a try and see what happens. In the meantime I am in day 2 of my creatine stacking and so far so good.

Tonight's workout went something like this...and some of the weights are wimpy but they will go up soon I hope.

Sumo Squats: New Weight 90 lb x 6 x 2 sets (I impressed myself a bit with this because my first Sumo Squats were last week with just the bar...)

Lying Leg Curls: 40 lb x 10 x 2 sets

Leg Extensions: 40 lb x 10 x 1 set; 40 lb x 5 x 1 set

Leg Presses: New Weight 160 lb x 8 x 3 sets

Chest Presses:

40 lb x 10 x 1 set; New Weight - 45 lb x 6 x 1 set; New Weight - 50 lb x 6 x 1 set

Back Extensions: no weight x 15 x 3 sets

Back Row: 85 lb x 8 x 2 sets

Cardio: 10 mins on treadmill @ 4.0 mph for warm-up

On a note to myself. yesterday I forgot my glucosamine...bad mistake. I really felt it in my right shoulder and could not lift what I wanted to. This evening, remembering to take it today, it did not bother me hardly at all while I was lifting and I added 2 new weights to my chest presses. So, I know that is working. Now just to figure out what it is I can do to completely rid myself of the grinding sand feeling in this right shoulder. I posted a message for Kat Meyers in her forum, so maybe if she has a second or two, she may have some input or suggestions. I know Kathy Johannson take supplements for her joints so maybe she will give some input to that same request. I will check it tomorrow or the day after. I know they are both very busy, so I will just check back and see when they respond, if they have the time.

Meanwhile, I took a peek at Ms. Johannson's site today...although my goals are a bit different as is my petite frame, I enjoyed reading all about her career and accomplishments. And she seems so sweet as well, having recently responded to a post I made on Kat's forum. She looks great for a "heavyweight division" competitor and is so pretty. I did look carefully at her diet and was tickled to see that she eats Buffalo...we natives have known how healthy it is, so that just pleased me for some reason to see it on her diet. I want to fix Ostrich as well, but husband has never liked it. Maybe I will email her and ask her to share a recipe with me. Hopefully I can get him to like it because it is very good for you.

Well I am off to slide into bed with dear hubby and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day and another workout. YAY!

Lift Heavy, Lift Hard!

Monday, February 06, 2006

This Week's Workout Schedule

  • This week, Week 2 of the new workout plan, is...

Start the Creatine stacking, add Arginine Pyroglutamate to my supplements before the workout.

Monday: Shoulders, Midsection, Calves and Wrists/Forearms; Medium Day

Tuesday: Bis and Tris; Heavy Legs and Low Back; Medium Chest and Upper Back; Light

Wednesday: Shoulders, Midsection, Calves, Forearms/Wrists; Heavy

Thursday: Chest and Upper Back; Medium

Friday: Cardio, stretching and pilates or katas


Time to hit the gym, the little one is sleeping and the big one is watching TV so I am free to sneak off with husband to the gym. YAY!


As I was having trouble logging in and accessing my blog, I am a couple days behind. I have been maintaining my clean eating with little difficulty. Today I am beginning my creatine stacking as well as utilizing NOS. Tonight is a medium workout planned...every body part will get hit and then tomorrow will be fairly light. So onward and upward. Lift heavy, Lift Hard!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Wednesday Night

Wednesday night at the gym was interesting. We "had" to meet with one of the gym's fitness trainers for our free session. Husband and I gently dismissed him upon telling him that we liked to workout between 10pm and midnight. LOL. Naturally he said that was outside of their working hours. We then went to do our workout. We did a Light workout in Bis, Tris and Shoulders. We were supposed to be doing a medium workout in calves but I ended up pushing it further. I ended up doing 3 sets of calf presses 120 lbs @ 40 reps, @ 25 reps and @ 25 reps. Tonight (Thurs) will be a mild workout of cardio, abs, standing twists and maybe some wrist curls.