Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Some excitement,,,,some laughs

My golden sage plants are doing nicely and the smell wonderful! They are growing with some Spearmint. My tomato plants have been transplanted into the raised bed with the squash and sweet red peppers. From the seeds that Phoenix sent me, I ended up with two Beaver Lodge, 1 Russian Black, 1 Oregon Star and 4 Cherokee purple. The veggie stealers got the broccoli and spinach, so I have re-started those and some Seneca Corn.

The deer are just too cute. They watch me watching them and move closer to my veggies. I step out on the deck and they stop. When the realize I am not going to leave, they head across the road. So now I am patrolling my garden area early mornings and at dusk. The baby is growing like crazy and is still beautiful. They are growing on me...LOL. The corn plants I started are primarily for them. I also threw some tomato plants (I picked up from a lady down the road) up on the ridge for them.

Last night got real interesting at 1:30 in the morning as we were going to bed. I was doing my door and window check and two mountain lions decided to start vocalizing LOUDLY right outside our bedroom window. So the two of them (mama around a 100 lbs. and baby about 70 lbs) raised cane and finally took off across the street to my neighbors. So I woke her up at 2 am to let her know so she did not walk outside early morning without looking.

Workouts are going well but my progress is not. I have lost 2 pounds..grrrrrr getting weight on me is a nightmare. But I am just going to eat more, lift heavier and do less cardio. I have almost a year to get the weight on.

Well off to the gym for tonight's workout.

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