Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Decisions Decisions...always interesting

The weekend is over, the new week started and there are decisions to be made. I am still fairly hacked about a situation that just does not sit right with me. Why can a person get so caught up in their personal insecurities thank someone and then turn and snipe them. Granted misunderstandings happen and miscommunications occur, but that is the case for everyone not just 'the other person" or "someone else" but whatever. They can either wake up and smell the coffee and realize that life is too short to cause a stir over a picture that anyone can get and a statement made from miscommunication. Well, life is too short to me, to continue wasting my time on the matter. I have other pressing matters in my own life.
School is almost out for Cheyenne, this is her last week and still the child's father has not made her flight arrangements to go to Florida. I still have to meet with the oncologist and see if surgery is possible yet, schedule some dental surgery and manage my workouts and volunteer stuff.
Daily grooming and such of Samson is ongoing and will most likely continue through the next show in late August. My son is having some trouble in NC and I need to figure out what is going on with him, He was struck by a car a couple months ago and I need to get on the phone and get on some cases.
Time to go catch some shut eye and in a few hours I have gardens to get put together and planted, housework to do and a play at school to go watch...and DH's medical appointment.
Night night...more later

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