Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Great workouts....

What a fabulous few days...the weather has been beautiful! It has been nice and warm so going outdoors and doing some yard work has been great! I am preparing to transplant my little veggie plants to an outside bed. So I have gotten the top soil, steer compost, potting soil and all I need know is mulch. I also have to move the rocks off the ridge down to the bed area to line the bed, I have given up trying to make the bed with all the rocks in the ground here so I am making a raised bed. I also have to get some tall fencing to try to keep the veggie stealer and her baby out of my veggies. I am going to take some veggie plants up on the ridge for the two of them along with their salt/mineral block.

Meanwhile, Hubby and I have been having great workouts. Our eating is clean and on par with our schedule. The new contest in the Rally Room with the BuffMothers began for the next 10 weeks the word is "Consistency" ... that is the challenge. With consistency we can all make major changes and get closer to our goals. I have been very fired up about this challenge and this new workout cycle for me. I am aiming for the cup next April and will make it.

We have had a major mountain lion problem and are in desperate need to find it and kill it. It has killed goats, cornered and elderly woman at her patio, attacked and killer a little doggie and it is just too brazen and dangerous to take chances with it around our kids and older people. This thing is huge too and has become too comfortable with walking right up onto some one's patio. So the game warden has had so many calls about cats on our road that he cannot keep up with them all or track them all. He knows of three nuisance cats and suspects there is more. So, I keep a loaded 30-30 with me whenever I am outside doing yard & garden work, I make sure Cheyenne is in the house by 5:30 pm in the evening and not outside alone before 9:00 am.

So we go on and keep focused on daily life, our fitness goals and our family time. Hubby is taking me to the Oregon Ironman this weekend for a little Mother's Day getaway and he has arranged for a sitter so we can have an evening out together. Plus, we will get to visit with friends in Portland. So it should be a fun weekend and we will be able to workout while we are there to.

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