Friday, June 01, 2007

Another hot day!

Thursday was hot as hades outside. I am so thankful for the cool mornings and nights here...but midday was blazin. My poor little squash plants started to wilt midday...but I watered them really well at dusk and they are standing tall again.
I am currently in the process of writing out my plan/schedule from now until the Emerald. Complete with reminders to register with NPC and for the Emerald, posing clinic appointments, workouts, diets, when to start contest prep, when to order posing suits and etc. There are a ton of things that have to be done for a first contest for sure.
Meanwhile, the overall plan...heavy bulker through December then start contest prep after the holidays...about 16 weeks out from the Emerald. Start with trainer in August and until then keep at what I am doing, make plans for Cheyenne's trip to Florida, Hubby's re-evaluation at Fort Lewis in July and the normal tons of other daily stuff.
Time to go climb in bed with hubby and get some sleep....more later

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