Sunday, December 03, 2006

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I am looking forward to hubby returning next weekend but even more so looking forward to going with him to Oregon for the following two weeks. It will be a nice change. I miss him when he is not home. I am also looking forward to finally getting a chance to meet "Doc", my new horse and to be able to ride some.

Workouts have been so-so, I did get out and do lunges and squats outside but I have really not been able to workout the way I have wanted to. Everyone's schedules around here makes transportation a nightmare somedays and I miss my workout partner. But, all will be fine. Besides, this is the holiday season and I refuse to get worried about my workouts right now, I do not plan to compete until 2008 so I have all year. YAY!

I am looking forward to the secret Santa project with the BuffMothers and have almost finished my Christmas Cards for the ladies as well. This year is going to be so fun. The Secret Santa will be as much fun as getting BuffMother's birthday surprise together for her earlier this year. That was indeed a secret Santa of another sort. hehehehehe

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