Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 7th...a day to remember!

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It is officially my best friend's birthday. Happy Birthday Phoenix! I am so blessed to have her in my life, for so many reasons but most of all because she is intelligent, beautiful, caring and has the heart and soul of an angel and yet, she can be as tough as nails when it is needed. Most certainly a strong woman. She is enjoying her retirement from the military immensely but I catch her worry about 'her soldiers' every now and again as well. As a 1st Sgt and Sgt Major, her career existed in daily dealing with and working with the soldiers in her command. She was superior, mother, nursemaid, counselor, confidant, friend and foe to each and every one of them. She felt their loss in the deepest part of her heart and very being. There are not any like her within in the military, there might be a few that come close to stacking up, but none like her for sure.

December 7th is also the 65th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. To think back on where this world has come and gone since that day in 1941, is astounding to say the least. It is on days like this that I think about our men and women in the armed services that are so far from home and constantly in harm's way. The holidays are approaching for us and we will spend them with family and friends, safe and warm...they however will be far from home with only their fellow soldiers, they will be cold and in harm's a place where they are anything but safe. Hopefully everyone will stop and take a few moments and remember that fact and say a little prayer for them.

Hubby is nearly home, he should be arriving in the next half hour from Oregon and we have much to discuss to prepare for us all going back down to Oregon on Monday. But I am so looking forward to the next couple of weeks with him and having him with us in the evenings.

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