Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Heading to Oregon!

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We will be heading to Oregon in a few hours and then the fun begins. We have a small place off the grid to spend the next couple of weeks while we look at property, spend time with my new horse 'Doc' and check out the area. Hubby think that this is the area he wants us to settle in so we want to check out the area as a family for more than a couple of days.
We will be out of touch for a couple of days while we are there and every few days I will hit the wi-fi cafe and check in on email, damily and friends. Not to mention the numerous forums.
I think overall the Clan here will be happy to have some time without the little one underfoot. It is hard on them having an adult household and suddenly having a 10 year old living underfoot. LOL. It has been interesting for them to say the least. But the freedom of their normal household routine will be a welcome return I am sure. And we, as a family, will enjoy having our family time alone again. It has been fine being here and I am always happy being here but I think everyone needs a small break. LOL. The boys will enjoy having 12 acres to play on also.
So, more in a few days after we get down there and get situated. It is going to be interesting dealing without internet handy. It is amazing how reliant upon some things we become. :)

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