Friday, May 26, 2006

Appointments and Stuff!

Military doctors can so 'bite' sometimes. They have attitudes announcing their officer status but displaying a lack of knowledge and bedside manner for sure. I went with hubby to the VA office on post and we began the paperwork for filing his VA claim. The VFW representative that we saw is a real sweet man, former marine who really is an advocate for the soldier. It is nice to have someone in your corner that is not on the side of the military for a change. This has been such a long hard road and battle to get them to take care of husband the way he deserves to be cared for and finally, someone else to fight for us as opposed to me fighting for him. I think I am going to enjoy this sitting back and letting someone else fight for a change. I think I need to send this kitty to visit a few of these military doctors. *snicker*

The princess is getting excited about moving to Washington state and spending the summer in the tipi. She thinks it will be so cool. She is also looking forward to gardening with Phoenix and learning all about planting stuff and making it grow. She really has an interest in gardening so she and Phoenix should have a fabulous time together outside.

I am looking forward to the trip down to see my family before the move. Once we get down there and deliver my son, we can relax for a bit and just spend time with my parents and then run across state and visit with my sister-in-law before heading northward to Kentucky to see the in-laws. We have so many people we need to see on our way across country that it may take us weeks to actually get there. LOL.

Well that is all for now, I shall post anything exciting that happens, which is not likely. I do hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day Weekend.

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