I am so ready to send a battalion of these little guys marching on the Physical Disability Agency and Fort Bragg! Well it seems that our lives are completely irrelevant to the morons who operate our military and the various moronic agencies involved. Finally, we get our decision from the PEB and get husband's disability rating for medical retirement and think 'YAY we are finally almost through' but not just NO but 'Oh Hell No'. We seem to be caught in either someone's worst nightmare or in the middle of a agency pissing contest. PEB says 40% and medical retirement for these injuries blah blah...the agency gets it for final approval and sends it back! Not because there is anything wrong with the rating, the findings, the medical records, the diagnosis but because they do not like the damned code used on the injury classification. I mean WTF? So again WE FRICKIN WAIT! When this is all over and I am free, I am going to write one of the most nasty, open, no holds barred TELL ALL stories or books about these morons so everyone in this country knows what assholes we have at large and in charge!
So what started as a stressful holiday weekend with my son's cat (more below) which then turned out okay, has ended up for crap! Mark my words on this, quote me, write it down, copy this post or whatever. When I am finally free from this and settled across country, may god and country help the first individual who dares try to tell me what I can and cannot do or make decisions affecting my life without my consent! I will beat them senseless with my own two hands! I have had enough of this shit...plain and simple!
Well the cat. A week ago Tuesday evening, my supposedly grown son takes off with some chickee without leaving contact info, itinerary and etc. with the exception of stating he 'should' be home Saturday night sometime. Here comes friday and his 14 year old cat starts acting really weird. This is a mean cat who has suddenly decided he can only lie around and sleep...and is lying everywhere with his head on his paws, clearly very unable to get comfortable and just not feeling right. So at 9 pm I have husband take a look at him and his response "I swear, I think he is dying". So off I run with the cat to the Emergency Vet Clinic to have him looked over. Once there, I am greeted with the news he has a urinary blockage, possibly kidney damage and will require extensive treatment and an estimated cost of $850.00. So, kitty stays, I come home and have no way to contact dear son about his cat. So I sit and make three times a day calls to the vet to check his progress, stew in my anger with son for his lack of responsibility and show of maturity and WAIT! So much for a holiday weekend of fun!
Long story short, he came home finally on MONDAY, he did not bleed, kitty is now home and son is scrabbling to pay us for what turned out to be a $643.00 vet bill. And then comes the latest Army crap. If I drank, I would need a stiff one right now.
Well that is all for now...that is enough.
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