Friday, May 26, 2006

Appointments and Stuff!

Military doctors can so 'bite' sometimes. They have attitudes announcing their officer status but displaying a lack of knowledge and bedside manner for sure. I went with hubby to the VA office on post and we began the paperwork for filing his VA claim. The VFW representative that we saw is a real sweet man, former marine who really is an advocate for the soldier. It is nice to have someone in your corner that is not on the side of the military for a change. This has been such a long hard road and battle to get them to take care of husband the way he deserves to be cared for and finally, someone else to fight for us as opposed to me fighting for him. I think I am going to enjoy this sitting back and letting someone else fight for a change. I think I need to send this kitty to visit a few of these military doctors. *snicker*

The princess is getting excited about moving to Washington state and spending the summer in the tipi. She thinks it will be so cool. She is also looking forward to gardening with Phoenix and learning all about planting stuff and making it grow. She really has an interest in gardening so she and Phoenix should have a fabulous time together outside.

I am looking forward to the trip down to see my family before the move. Once we get down there and deliver my son, we can relax for a bit and just spend time with my parents and then run across state and visit with my sister-in-law before heading northward to Kentucky to see the in-laws. We have so many people we need to see on our way across country that it may take us weeks to actually get there. LOL.

Well that is all for now, I shall post anything exciting that happens, which is not likely. I do hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day Weekend.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Catching Up...

Well the past couple of weeks have been busy busy and well...Busy! We have been overcome with appointments and various orders of business to take care of as Hubby and I begin to transition from active duty military to the medical hold unit and onto retirement. We finally received the ruling from the hearing back and the percentage given was great but he is to be place on TDRL or temporary disability retirement list. Meaning they can keep him on this list for 5 years and re-examine him once a year before determining on retirement, separation or returning to active duty. This is pretty standard and nothing to be alarmed about by any means, as his injuries prohibit him from working in his MOS, but they have not reached what the military considers "maximum improvement" level. So he will be re-examined and evaluated in July of 2007. But at least the long awaited response from the Board and the Hearing in October has finally been reached. YAY! Now we can make our plans and get our ducks in a row in preparation for our 'new' life.

We have been discussing what items we will pack to have the military ship and what items we will carry with us to Washington State. We have come to the conclusion that since we will be spending the summar and possibly some of the fall in the tipi, we will take mainly clothes and our camping gear. Of course, the princess' schoolbooks and stuff as well. We are also making considerations for our two furry boys for the the trip as well. So, I chose a pic of the inside of a tipi to depict the beginning part of our 'new' life. We cannot wait! Just to have the freedom to have a great time together as a family will no one really to answer to daily, at least for a little while. We both feel like we have earned that.

This past week was full of appointments and a couple disappointments. The biggest disappointment for me was yet another loss at the Triple Crown of horse racing. Barbaro, a strapping strong colt that won the Derby with ease, broke his leg in three places about 100 yds into the start of the Preakness. Very horrid breaks and luckily, he is survived the repairing surgery and seems to be doing well. Now the wait is on to see if he can recover and remain infection and disease free long enough to heal and become a career stallion. Also, the recent loss of a dear friend's mother who has struggled for so very long with bone cancer. While losing a parent is not an easy thing, you still must take a moment to smile at their life and breathe freely knowing their suffering, fight and pain are all gone. The other disappointment was the collapse of a project I have been working on. It was not a total collapse but just a long series of having my time wasted by business people who, in the end, showed complete unprofessionalism and business sense. So, the project has been re-directed into a new direction and is going along just fine.

So more on all that later. In the meantime, workouts are going and eating is going and all is tiringly well here.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Weekend Review

Friday was a night off from the gym so it became 'Date Night' with hubby. Which is very cool as we do not get a chance to do that very much. We went to see 'The Sentinel', it was a very good movie about the CIA. Keiffer Sutherland, Michael Douglas, Eva Longoria and Kim Basinger did an excellent job showing some of the ins and outs of the Secret Service and the Presidency. It was a good night for us.

Saturday it was back to the gym. I went somewhat easy today but hit the legs and shoulders. I kept the weights mediocre as I am out of my liquid glucosamine/chondroitin and was in no mood to hurt my shoulder or knee it is:

Dumbbell Sumo Squats (30 lb DB): 3 sets of 25 reps.

Hack Squats: 135 x 10 x 5 (varying feet position - sumo and standard)

Incline Leg Presses: 225 x 10 x 5

Lateral Raises (DB 20 lb): 4 sets of 10 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Presses: 30 x 10 x 2

Dumbbell Shrugs: 30 x 10 x 2

Now I am sitting back enjoying my shake and glutamine (Leather n Lace) and debating what to cook for dinner.

Sunday was a good day, no gym but good. Now it is Monday and we are back to the grind. Back into trying to sort through all the stuff before us with the retirement issues, determining move arrangements and etc etc. Tomorrow we have a couple appointments on post but all should be well once those are done and over. We are getting closer to being out of the Army...slow and steady but at least progess for a change.

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Thursday Night Back and Biceps

I had a very hectic day dealing with the Army and the Medical providers, trying to get husband signed into the medical hold unit in order to begin his transition out of the Army. We are both so ready for this to be over that we just want to be able to sit down for an hour and breath slowly and relax.

I headed out to the Gym about 11:15 pm and got in an excellent Back and Bicep arms are literally limp! But I feel good and luckily I do not have to lift my arms to type my posts or I would be in deep crap. LMAO

The Workout:

Back Rows:
Wide Grip 70 x 8 x 3
Regular Grip: 70 x 10 x 1; 80 x 8 x 1, 85 x 8 x 1; 90 x 8 x 1

Cable Pulldowns (Front): 50 x 8 x 1; 60 x 8 x 1; 70 x 8 x 1

Cable Pulldowns (Behind the neck): 50 x 8 x 1; 60 x 8 x 1; 70 x 8 x 1

Barbell Bicep Curls: (+ 15lb bar): 40 x 10 x 5

Dumbbell Bicep Curls (each side): 20 x 20 x 1; 15 x 20 x 1; 10 x 35 x 1 (to failure)

I am taking it easy on the back and shoulder during this week cycle. I am doing consistent workouts to maintain I am focusing on the arms and legs during this cycle. I went light on legs last cycle as they are my extra fast gainers and I struggle with added mass and size to my arms so they are the focus this time around.

I am feeling good and keeping my pain manageable, although it is getting harder and harder to do as it is slowly but surely increasing. But I will keep up the workouts, stay focused and keep moving towards my goals.

It feels good to be back home with my wonderful husband and the kids. Tomorrow (aka today) is a new day.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Back from Seattle and back to the grind

I had a wonderful trip to Seattle/Tacoma. It was non-stop with party preparations, cooking, cleaning and having a total blast. I really missed Sherry so it was so great to be able to see her and spend time with her. It was even better to see her so happy as she put a torch to her Battle Dress Uniform and bruned her former life more military for her. So as a civilian she had a most excellent time at her retirement party.

I got off the plane and had husband take me directly from the airport to the gym...I missed working out and wanted to get a workout in. Very weird as I had just spent over 12 hours on planes and was exhausted...but I was so happy to be back in the gym.

Tonight was Chest and Triceps...great workout and it felt good!

Chest Press: (+15 lb bar)25 x 20 x 1; 35 x 10 x 1; 45 x 10 x 1; 55 x 10 x 1;65 x 8 x 1; 55 x 8 x 1

Dumbbell Flys: (20 lb dumbbells) 3 sets of 10 reps

Tricep Pushdowns:50 x 12 x 1; 60 x 12 x 1; 70 x 10 x 1; 80 x 10 x 1

Dumbbell Kickbacks: 15 x 10 x 2; 20 x 10 x 2; 15 x 10 x 2

my eats all day were clean and right on the mark as was my water intake. I am still on my supplements and just started the creatine again because I hate lifting without it and I had taken about 3 weeks off of it. My weight is still doing great...I am up another pound to 132 lbs. YAY!

Well off for the night to cuddle up with husband. *smile*