Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday Back and Bis

Yesterday was a good day. My seedlings are starting to sprout. Well at least three little broccoli plants are sprouting. I cannot wait to get that tray full of little seedlings and then be able to move them to larger pots and outside. I love watching stuff grow. I have a really neat variety planted in this tray...some veggies, an herb and some crafting stuff. I planted two different types of gourds. I planted some bird house gourds which make awesome martin birdhouses and those little guys eat tons of insects and mosquitos. They are also great gourds for painting, beading and other neat crafting stuff. I also planted some dipper gourds. Primarily they were used for water dippers but they are also great for various craft projects. I planted four varieties of tomato, spinach, broccoli, a sweet red pepper, summer squash and some echinacea. We went to the gym and I had a great back workout but my bicep workout was kinda weak. My right shoulder is really giving my trouble and it would not let me handle the heavier DBs. But I got the workout in using the 20 pounders and a barbell. I am feeling it today for sure which means I worked it enough to feel it. Yay! Well more later.

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