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I admit I have been bad about keeping my blog up daily but things have been moving a mach II around here lately. We finally have an official date for our separation from the Army (9/20/06) so now we are rushing around with appointments, picking up paperwork, getting medical checks, discussing moving, packing, what we keep and what we toss and of course our workouts.We have a couple things that are the "must do's" such as heading to Florida first and dropping off my son, going to Kentucky and visiting my in-laws, swinging through Kansas to visit hubby's grandmother, going through the NC mountains and visiting the rez before we head west. I want to see my friends and family before I headed across country, if it possible.My workouts have been going great and I have been undergoing routine annual checks and having routine testing done so now I just wait for the results. Through all of this, there is also a sense of loss. I think this stems from the feelings I have for hubby and his love of his job. I know he feels that loss and in turn, I feel it. But retiring is going to be great and give us so much more time together. We could have never hoped for so much time together while being in the military.So onward and upward as they say. The focus...household organization, workouts, diet and retiring. YAY!
The new challenge begins today...the next three week focus will be the glutes. Goodness knows mine needs all the support and help it can get. *snicker*Hubby is taking the challenge with me so we got our before pics and measurements done yesterday and we all ready to start.The weekend was not a good one for workouts, I am having a horrid first couple of days of TOM and have spent most of the last two days in bed with a heating pad. Oh it can get so frustrating! But, I am ready to kick it into high gear. I will see how I am feeling today to determine if I will be working out tonight, but it is my plan to hit the gym hard later this evening.Summer is here but in our house it is business as usual. As a homeschooling mom, it makes little difference on the summer months. It is nice and flexible for us because when we need to take some time off we do and we just go all year with her schoolwork or until she completes the year's curriculum. I really cannot wait to get moved to Washington and start trying to get settled in. It is going to be a great time and a fabulous learning experience for Cheyenne, she is looking forward to the move as well.Well off to do breakfast and enjoy the quiet time of my morning before she wakes up. Maybe I will wake hubby up early so we can have a few minutes together before the house gets moving.
Well we are week 3+ without Air Conditioning in the gym and I have spoken to the District Manager had smoke blown up my A$$ by him, emailed the corporate office and received no response yet and well I am very 'pissy' over the whole affair.My blood pressure will not allow me to workout with the intensity that I want to with not only NO cool air in the gym but with NO fresh air whatsoever. The heat is an entirely separate issue. It really is becoming maddening to say the least.My workouts are going well as are my eats. However in the hotter months it is much harder for me to eat a lot because I tend to eat less in the hot months. But I am focusing on and working on keeping my eats good.BuffMother has issued the "Booty Challenge" which begins on June 19th and ends on July 7th. The focus for the next three weeks will be our Butts. Reshape, lift, bulk, build, fat bust and whatever we can do to them in three weeks of hard work and focus. So..on to a bigger better butt as they say.Tonight is Back, Bis and abs. YAY! Last night was Chest, Tris and Forearms. I had a great workout just not as much as I wanted, as intense as I wanted or as heavy as I wanted. But good none the less.Off to cook dinner and get ready to head to the gym later.
The weekend went pretty good. Friday of course was my arm workout at the gym, so I worked the biceps and triceps to the point I did not want to pick up anything else heavier than my hair brush. Man did I feel that burn when I woke up Saturday morning. The crappy thing about the workout was that the AC at the gym was out. It was very uncomfortable in there and I over 2 litres of water while working out my arms.Saturday was meg day...I love leg day. So I hit the sumo squats, plie squats with dumbbells, hack squats, incline leg presses and everything I could think of hitting that I had time for before the gym closed. OMG my quads were screaming on sunday. I had a difficult time going down stairs without whimpering on each step. Ya gotta love a good workout.Sunday was my son's 22nd borthday and also my parents 46th wedding anniversary. So I called my parents to generally harrass them about putting up with each other so many years and had a great chat with them. We took my son out to dinner and I did something I have not done in about 6 years or so...I had a couple drinks. I ordered my son a Kahlua n cream also and he did not like it so I ended up drinking his. That is more than I have drank in 10 years. Dinner was excellent and we had a good time. Today was a good day but much errand running and grocery shopping, which can be a depression event when feeding a small tribe. LOL. Tonight is Chest, Triceps and Forearms. So I am going to chill for a bit in a hot bath and then take off for the gym once the crowd thins a bit.All in all...a good weekend. I will just be much happier when I am spending my weekends in the NW instead of here.
I am so ready to send a battalion of these little guys marching on the Physical Disability Agency and Fort Bragg! Well it seems that our lives are completely irrelevant to the morons who operate our military and the various moronic agencies involved. Finally, we get our decision from the PEB and get husband's disability rating for medical retirement and think 'YAY we are finally almost through' but not just NO but 'Oh Hell No'. We seem to be caught in either someone's worst nightmare or in the middle of a agency pissing contest. PEB says 40% and medical retirement for these injuries blah blah...the agency gets it for final approval and sends it back! Not because there is anything wrong with the rating, the findings, the medical records, the diagnosis but because they do not like the damned code used on the injury classification. I mean WTF? So again WE FRICKIN WAIT! When this is all over and I am free, I am going to write one of the most nasty, open, no holds barred TELL ALL stories or books about these morons so everyone in this country knows what assholes we have at large and in charge!So what started as a stressful holiday weekend with my son's cat (more below) which then turned out okay, has ended up for crap! Mark my words on this, quote me, write it down, copy this post or whatever. When I am finally free from this and settled across country, may god and country help the first individual who dares try to tell me what I can and cannot do or make decisions affecting my life without my consent! I will beat them senseless with my own two hands! I have had enough of this shit...plain and simple!Well the cat. A week ago Tuesday evening, my supposedly grown son takes off with some chickee without leaving contact info, itinerary and etc. with the exception of stating he 'should' be home Saturday night sometime. Here comes friday and his 14 year old cat starts acting really weird. This is a mean cat who has suddenly decided he can only lie around and sleep...and is lying everywhere with his head on his paws, clearly very unable to get comfortable and just not feeling right. So at 9 pm I have husband take a look at him and his response "I swear, I think he is dying". So off I run with the cat to the Emergency Vet Clinic to have him looked over. Once there, I am greeted with the news he has a urinary blockage, possibly kidney damage and will require extensive treatment and an estimated cost of $850.00. So, kitty stays, I come home and have no way to contact dear son about his cat. So I sit and make three times a day calls to the vet to check his progress, stew in my anger with son for his lack of responsibility and show of maturity and WAIT! So much for a holiday weekend of fun!Long story short, he came home finally on MONDAY, he did not bleed, kitty is now home and son is scrabbling to pay us for what turned out to be a $643.00 vet bill. And then comes the latest Army crap. If I drank, I would need a stiff one right now.Well that is all for now...that is enough.