Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Weekend and Monday Workout

The weekend was nice, unfortunately we got stuck sitting around for most of it waiting for a Central AC unit to be installed. But my eats were good and for a Monday, the day started out great. We got the call we have been dreading and waiting for...husband's paperwork is back from Washington DC. We will know later today (Tues) what the ruling is. It is times like this where you are not sure if you are excited or anxious or both. All we can do is pray that we did a good job at the Hearing and brought all of the issues to light and that the doctor we had assigned to our board is not the complete idiot and ass he appeared to be at the hearing. When someone's future is riding on something after faithful service in the military and you get to a hearing on the matter to find that the medical professional is a complete jackass...it is disheartening. Not to mention this should have been over before December ended and here April is nearly finished before we get to this point.

Why is it that people just plain to not give a damn? Is it so hard to get a government employee to do the job they get paid to do? The answer is YES...it is a nightmare. Once they get hired for the job and pass the initial probationary period it takes an act of God and Congress to get their lazy butts out of the job. No wonder this country is so totally messed up. The post office employees are just a appetizer of what the real FUs are like...try getting hurt in the military sometime.

Anyway...eats were clean today and my workout went well. Tonight was Chest, Tris and Forearms/Wrists:

Chest Presses: 40 x 8 x 2, 45 x 8 x 2

DB Flys: 20 x 12 x 2; 30 x 12 x 1

Tricep Pushdowns: 60 x 8 x 2; 70 x 8 x 3

DB Kickbacks: 15 x 12 x 3

Wrist Curls: 10 x 20 x 3

I feel 100 times better back on the Creatine. Gawd I hate lifting without it. My shoulders are giving me small fits of popping and grinding but this too shall pass. I refuse to let something so minor stop me...I will find a way to get past it and through it.

I am getting ready to start packing for my trip...I cannot wait to see Phoenix on Thursday night. I miss her terribly. Soon enough we will be out there finally living there and can start to put down our roots. YAY. Two more days and I am plane bound for Seattle. YAY !!!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Another week has gone by...

This week has been busy busy. With all of the stuff going on with the military and trying to get husband transferred to his new unit while he is awaiting his retirement ruling, preparing for my trip to Seattle/Tacoma next week, homeschooling Cheyenne, and starting a new workout cycle; I am looking forward to Sunday and a day off.

The BuffMothers have a clean eating challenge going and there is a side challenge within that one for a piece of cheesecake on May 1st, if we eat clean until then. My eats have been excellent and it has not been hard really. It seems like it is harder for me to NOT eat clean.

I am starting my creatine again after 2 weeks off and I am actually looking forward to starting it because I have noticed a distinct difference in my lifting with the creatine and without it. Although, last night I had a very strange thing happen during my workout, after it really. I became very light headed and dizzy feeling...and I half expected to faint or become sick. Gawd, I hate allergy season. It seems like my sinuses have been driving me crazy for months but I know it has been merely the last month +. I really cannot wait to get moved out to the Tacoma area so I do not have to go through this nonsense so much. It is hard on Cheyenne's asthma as well. She has had wheezing and stuff nearly every night. I feel for her but it does look like she is out growing it a bit because she is far better now than she was several years ago.

Last night's workout was a light night for legs and chest. The workout felt good...although my chest muscle on the left is still sore when I work it, it is just going to take time and a bit of babying it and it will be good as new in no time.

Hack Squats: 135 x 8 x 3
Incline Leg Presses: 220 x 8 x 3
Leg Curls: 30 x 20 x 2; Froggy style 30 x 20 x 1
Chest Press: 40 x 12 x 3
DB Flys: 20 x 20 x 2

I have been neglecting my blog but will make more effort to update it each day.

On a side note, yesterday I found out there is a Canadian film company currently filming a movie about the plane crash that killed my husband's father back in 1985, along with 247 other soldiers from the 101st Airborne. Much controvery, cover-up and deceit surrounded that December crash. The story opened old wounds for my dear husband as well as for myself. So, we shall see when it comes out. Several of the Canadian BuffMothers have offered to get the movie for me once it is released.

I am taking off for the day to run around on Fort Bragg and pick-up paperwork all over the place so that is all for now.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

This week has been interesting

This week has been interesting and busy. I have been consumed with covert operations (military stuff) and some personal as well. We (BuffMothers) are in the midst of a clean eating challenge which ends on April 30th. And there is a side challenge going on in the midst of that..the Cheesecake Treat Challenge! She who stays on the wagon gets cheesecake on May 1. She who falls off suffers..hehehe. If you fall off the clean eat wagon during the challenge you must do a Killer 25 set ( ) and take pics of the set being done to post. HAHAHAHA Yes, well I chose exercises I particularly dislike for motivation. There are several of us in on this one too. So, my eats have been spotless so far...I am going to OWN that Cheesecake and post a pic of me enjoying every bite of it!

On a happier note, it is hard to believe but my Grandson turns 2 yrs. old next Monday. I am so proud of him. Such a smart boy. But I am so saddened that I do not get to see him and it will only be worse once we move to the West Coast in a few months. I am really going to be heart broken over it but the kids have their own lives...and I understand that...it just feels bad being so far away from my only grandchild. Seems like forever since this pic at 2 weeks old was taken Image hosting by Photobucket.

I have been on a "off Creatine Cycle" and will start it again on Monday. So we shall see. My weight is staying at 130 - 131, so time to kick it in the butt and get some more mass gains. Not much going on this weekend. I will call my parents tomorrow and speak with my grandson who is having his birthday party, do some more covert operations on planning and relax. Light workout only on Saturday and Sunday is my day off. YAY.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sunday and all is NOT well !

Well Michelle and Shellie are back from the Southern States Pro-Qualifier and I am disappointed to say the least. It was apparently a terrible experience for Michelle. Not being allowed to compete because she inadvertently took a fat burner some time ago that contained trace amounts of DHEA. Well OMG stop the show...How illegal is that to ingest something found naturally in your body anyway...In trace amounts. RIDICULOUS! Shellie did well, although she deserved to at least make the top five.

I have no idea where these judges are coming from with accepting these ribcage showing skinny women as competitive standards in Figure. Gawd what a travesty. To work so hard and build muscle and cut it and define it to be surrounded by protrusive ribcages and skin and bones competitors who get selected fro the top 5. Frustrating and ridiculous.

My heart aches for Michelle but I know she will continue to work hard and will not let happen to her next time. She is an awesome woman who deserved far more recognition than she got. Well back to the gym for me tomorrow to begin my next 6 week cycle and my new workout schedule. YAY!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Near the end of the week slow down

Mean people do suck. As I near the end of a week of slowing down (courtesy of a pulled chest muscle aka pec), I have seen some examples of people just plain being mean this week. This made me stop and think. Why must people be mean? This is what I have concluded...

The reasons some individuals feel the need to be mean and toxic to others is Jealousy, selfishness, feelings of inadequacy or a combination of all. Why else would it be so hard for them to be understanding of others and try to show a tiny bit of compassion? Why would it be so hard for them to step away from their own life struggles to lend a friendly ear to another human being and attempt to see things from their side? We indians have a cute saying..."Do not judge or condemn another unless you have walked in his moccassins". This statement holds so much truth. But anywho, as for you mean people I can only say..."You really do suck! and You have my sympathy; because your path is indeed a long and lonely one".

On to bigger and better things...I believe the pec will be fine over the weekend and I will start lifting again. YAY! I will baby the chest a bit to make sure I do not pull it again right away. Meantime, the new workout schedule is written and I am ready to go.

The two BuffMothers, Michelle Berger and Shellie Collins are preparing for the Southern States this weekend and will do awesome. Why do I say this with such certainty? Well because they are already champions at Team BuffMother. Oh yes and they both Rock! Good luck ladies some of us will be there with you physically the rest of us will be there in spirit cheering you on!

Dear wonderful husband of mine and I have decided that once we get the okay to leave here and are out of the military we are going to take several weeks to travel across country to our new home in Washington State. We will visit friends and family along the way and once we get there...we are going to spend the summer living in our tipi with our daughter. We want her to have this experience while she is young. As she is being homeschooled nothing will really change for her except her living quarters and she is very excited about it. So we are going to erect the lodge on the backside of my best friend's property and kick back enjoying it for the summer. YAY.

Speaking of my wonderful husband...while I love him dearly I must tell him....dear rubbing my boob will not help the pulled pec. However, I appreciate the thought so very much. *smile* Love you bunches!

Have a great Friday Night everyone!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Good Monday Afternoon

Ah Spring is here and so is the over abundance of pollen. ICK! It seems like everyone in the household is sneezing. LOL. But all the great things about spring are here too. All the new life and the brilliant colors of the blooms everywhere and babies of all kinds. We have a variety of nesting songbirds in our backyard and you can hear the little ones all hours demanding feeding. Makes husband a bit crazy at times but I enjoy listening to them. It has dawned on me that I will miss many of my favorite songbirds once we relocate to Washington State. So I am going to try to make sure I take as many pictures as I can while I am here. I am looking so forward to the move across country... it will be like beginning a whole new life. Even leaving family and familiar ground behind while making me a little melancholy also makes me excited. I will miss my family and familiar things like the reservation. I will miss those mountains and the river and the magically spiritual feeling I get being there. But I will be happy. I will be near my best friend and her family as well as other close friends and I have my wonderful husband all in one piece so I can grow old with him. The rest is all extra that can come or go. Life is good!

Saturday was a light workout at home and the rest of the weekend was spent enjoying family and working on the new plan. This new workout cycle will be targeted at legs, glutes and arms. Maintenance on the others. It is time to start getting specific areas into gear and cut some fat and see what lies underneath. All in I feel good and am dealing with minor aches such as the shoulder, a knee once in awhile and the latest a pulled chest muscle. But onward and upward as they say.

The BuffMother relentless challenge is still on. Michelle and Shellie compete this coming weekend in the Southern States event and I wish I could be there to cheer them on, but I will have to be there in spirit. Good Luck ladies...my thoughts, prayers and support are there with you.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Thursday Gone Bad...

Thursday was overcome by terrible cramps on the first day of my cycle and ended up being a Cardio and very HOT shower night. But I am at the end of my month training cycle so it is not that bad. Friday is a night off and Saturday is on...then time to right the workout program/schedule for the next 4 -6 weeks.

I feel like I am about to plateau so it is time to shake things up a bit and get the body back to doing what I want it to do. I think I will concentrate on legs and arms this next cycle...my back, shoulders and chest responded really well in the last cycle so time to hit the areas I went light on and bring them up to speed...the "extra fast gainers". I worked the "slow gainers" and time to kick the rest in gear.