Monday, March 24, 2008

Well time to update anyone watching...

Well, I have been doing a lot of day trips to hike and walk in some beautiful areas around my home. I chopped my hair off to shoulder length and became mom to 6 new fuzzy chicks. I got 5 different heavy breeds who are good layers, docile and hardy in the winter. They have been a blast. There is 1 Ameraucana, named Sandy. She is a cute thing and has been claimed by Cheyenne. She is the only one who will not lay brown eggs...Sandy will lay Blue or Green eggs. Then there is 1 silver-laced wyandotte, named Speckles. She is the sweetest little thing. Immediately, she wanted attention. there is also a New Hampshire Red, named Maggie. She is the smallest of the group and she has been nicknamed 'Mizz Bossy' because she runs around constantly ruling the roost so to speak. Then there is Lilly, a Light Brahma. She was claimed by my nephew. She has been a realy sweet, cooperative and cute thing. She has had to undergo butt baths daily because of all the fuzz on her backside, she gets out comes the warm wet washcloth. I had thought my butt wiping days were over but alas...they are not. Last but not least are Molly & Holly. They are the two black australorps. The only way to tell them apart is...Molly has more white on her head and a different black pattern on her beak than Holly. They are little adorable fuzzballs. So, they are 5 days old now and tons of fun to watch and play with.
Spring Break is this week so I will not be slowing down most likely. I have been prepping my garden beds and getting ready to start the new one. My seeds are all up and growing like crazy. I have carrots, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, lettuce, spring salad mix, tarragon, german chamomile, rosemary, lavender, arugula and even 30 lettuce plants for the deer. I am going to try to buy them off with lettuce offerings. Hopefully, they will stay clear of my garden. I put out a 25 lb salt and mineral block for them last week too. We will see if it works.
More soon....

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