Saturday, August 12, 2006

The joys of a pulled muscle!

As I stroll into nearly a week of dealing with a pulled pec, I can honestly say that I had never thought much about the pecs or how much they are used until I pulled it. It hurts to breath in or out, sit, stand, move, lie down. This I could easily do without in my life right now. We are moving along rather rapidly with VA appointments, final appointments and running around to get out the Army, and I feel like a partial invalid. Sheesh and they say timing is everything.

Somehow, luck was on our side and Husband and I have the house all to ourselves for 2 nights. Last night we enjoyed the silence and spent some well needed "us" time. It seems we managed to get rid of all three kids until sometime on Sunday. We are not questioning it, juswt taking full advantage of it. Neither Husband or I have even gotten dressed this morning and may not get dressed all day...and for no other reason is than...we deo not have to! Amazing how simple things unveil themselves when you get tiems like these. We both still remember how to operate the remote control for the TV and Cablw, we were able to find the remote, Silence can indeed be bliss and life is good quiet every now and again.

Things seem to be at odds in the universe as of late, some of the BuffMothers have suffered losses recently, some are facing losses and it hits me at times like this, exactly how old I am. My sister has just undergone her surgery for skin cancer on her back, my best friend's father undergoes surgery for colon cancer Monday and my the reality of my parents' mortality has been in the forefront of my mind a lot lately. I think this is due to the fact I am about to move across the country away from them ... permanently. It bothers me at some moments but I also know that this is what WE must do for ourselves, our life and our future. My parents made their choices and did what was right for them and expect nothing less from me.

Workouts have not been good of course thanks to the pulled pec, but I am going to try Monday to start putting some weight back on it and working it out. It will have had a bit over a week to start the healing process pretty well, I will just have to take it easy on it for a bit.

But aside from all of this Life is Good...and QUIET! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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