Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A few moments to reflect....

It has been a hectic couple of weeks with appointments and chasing down paperwork and information, however, I have managed to eat well and get my workouts in. We still are without AC in the gym some 8 weeks later but I resigned myself to the fact that no matter what happens I have less than 2 months left in this area. I can handle anything for 2 months so whatever.

The entire situation with my oldest has been on my mind. I want him to grow up and stand on his own but I also want to protect him to make sure he does not make life altering mistakes that he will not be able to undo later. It can be very difficult to assist only so far but as Mom it is the best thing I can do...steer him in the right direction but let him walk his own path.

As I interact with the ladies of BuffMother more, I find myself feeling closer and closer to each of them in various ways. It is nice to have such a wonderful support group and be able to find encouragement from women going through the same or similar things. Michelle has created exactly what she set out to create...a safe haven for women to talk, find friendship, support, encouragement and laughter on their way through their daily lives as mothers as well as on their journey in fitness. Some are there to lose weight and get in shape, others to work towards a goal as a figure or fitness competitor and some, like myself, working towards a goal in bodybuilding. But no matter what the goals, there is always a friendly ear. It is amazing how personally attached to individuals you become with such daily interactions. You notice when someone is missing or someone is having a rough time. It is great to be able to jump into her Rally Room and just let your hair down, thoughts and ideas flow, emotions run loose or laughter over flow. She is continuing to realize her dream with BuffMother and doing an excellent and important job in helping others along her way. Ya just cannot help but love her to pieces.

On a military move note, I really should start getting off my butt and begin going through things and packing stuff. I have gone through some things and tossed some stuff but my goodness at the tons of stuff we have accumulated. Sheesh...I must make time to get on that.

Marriage is wonderful, hubby is fantastic and I am thankful every day I wake up and can spend it with him...I can only imagine how wonderful retirement is going to be in a few months. Scarey thought in some respects but also so long overdue for us to be able to experience it.

On my journey...I seem to be adding muscle and burning fat ... at the same time. So my scale is stuck at 131 but I see changes in my physique each day. Irritating really because I want to add more weight and mass...but all in time I guess.

Well life is good, family is good, love is great and friendships are fabulous.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Catching Up

Life comes with ups and downs which has been proven to me over the last couple of weeks. There are days when one's strength can be tested to its very limits. It is not up to us as individuals to be able to control all things that occur or the how and when they come to us...but our decisions once we are faced with them determines our inner character and true strength.

A friend/acquaintenance has just recently lost her mother and yet another is spending her final time with her father and affording each moment of the opportunity for those opportunities to make even more lasting memories. Myself, I have been faced with seeing the mortality of my own parents as their health issues became very prevalent in my life over the last week.

Having come to the realization that I cannot fix everything for everyone as I always have, has been a disheartening yet enlightening process. Life and time move on and so must I. So I will do the best I can to help my family when my help is necessary but I will continue to live my daily life with my future and goals in my mind and in the focal point.

Things with the military are moving and nearing completion which has been a long time coming. We stay busy each day with running around on the never-ending paperwork chase. But it is all coming together finally. Now we are scheduled for all of our retirement briefings and junk, doctor's appointments for myself and our daughter as well as all of his clearning medical appointments. So our days are busy busy for sure. During all of this, I still must find time to pack a house, prepare a move across country, arrange times for visits with various family members from coast to coast and get in our workouts each day. Thank goodness for the workouts or I think hubby and I would lose our minds.

September 20th is a long way off but yet so close. :) YAY!!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Things are starting to move...finally!

Things are finally starting to move here with the Army. Dare I say that it is about time. Sheeesh. So we have a our final dates; Last day active duty 9/20, sign out and free to go 8/31. Now I have to pick up husband's orders next week and go to transportation to arrange for the moving of our household goods. Meanwhile, I am getting organized to begin going through stuff and getting rid of what I do not want or need so that I can begin packing. It always amazes me how much junk you accumulate (especially with kids) in a few short years.

Workouts have been good and eating good, just not enough. I am struggling to get it enough solid food during the day. I have always have the tendency to eat less once the heat gets up there and it has been hotter than blue blazes. So, I am adding more protein shakes into my diet to make sure I am getting the calories I need each day. Sheesh I really dislike the heat of summer when I am trying to eat 1800 - 2000 calories a day. I am keeping hydrated and that is the most important thing for sure. YAY!

This week I start my new workout schedule and am going back to a mixed body workout. I think It was working much better for me with much better results, to do heavy ~ medium ~ light days and varying the body parts. At least I saw better results. So we shall see.

Today is all legs YAY!!! I must admit that I do love leg day. We are now on week 7 with no AC in the damned gym...unbelievable. I cannot wait to go in today and see what the latest excuse is. For anyone who cares...NEVER waste your time or money on a GOLD'S GYM membership...they truly suck. The worst thing is, for such a large customer base and great reputation, their corporate offices obviously make no difference either because I have spoken with them, the district manager and the gym and get nothing but BS. So, needless to say that this is my first membership with Gold's and it will be my last.

Off to plan the weekend.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Interesting Discussion....

I frequent several online chat areas and forums and last night I was chatting with a woman who wanted to know why I am bodybuilding and lifting weights. She seems to think that women should be soft and round because well that is what women do. My opinion is that is a load of crap.

The female body is not only a work of art but an incredible piece of equipment that was hand crafted for flexibility and to have the ability to transform. We transform through puberty, through pregnancy and through middle age. Our ability to put our bodies through these things is a depiction of the true strength of a woman. So why should we look 'round and soft'? Because it is expected? That is so stone age.

So if you ask why I bodybuild...the answer is simple I want others to see what I feel about me...I am strong and I am a woman. Deal with it or don't it is your choice. It is my choice to display what I feel not what others think I should display. That is the great thing about humanity, we are each individual and we are free to make our own choices.

Have a great safe holiday weekend.